Cybersecurity Student Academic Association
Are you interested in learning more about cybersecurity? Expand your professional network and discover opportunities to get involved through CSA!
Officially join through the BYU Club website: https://clubs.byu.edu/clubs#/csa
About CSA
The BYU Cybersecurity Students Academic Association (CSA), formerly known as ITSec, is an official student club that provides a relaxed and fun way for cybersecurity enthusiasts to learn and socialize. Participation in CSA is open to all students with an interest in cybersecurity, regardless of major or prior experience. We seek to cultivate interdisciplinary relationships to strengthen BYU’s security community and network with professionals to give students an inside look at how security impacts all disciplines. Regular communications and upcoming event information are provided to CSA members through the BYU Cybersecurity Slack Workspace. Contact us for the link to join so you can stay updated!
CSA holds monthly meetings, inviting a variety of guest speakers to present on their cybersecurity topics of expertise. CSA creates and hosts Capture the Flag (CTF) contests with a variety of categories, spanning from cryptography to social engineering, to broaden student experiences outside of the classroom. This contest is a great opportunity for students from all over campus to test their skills against each other as they complete a variety of cyber-challenges.
Additional projects and events, such as the CSA Cybersecurity Student Conference, provide students opportunities to work with professionals and peers to deepen their knowledge of cybersecurity topics, apply the technical skills they learn in and outside the classroom, and expand their professional network.
CSA Emphases
Digital Forensics
Penetration Testing
Network Security
Threat Intelligence
Connect With CSA
Join us on Slack: https://byucybersecurity.slack.com/
See our calendar: https://cybersecurity.byu.edu/csa-calendar
Please email cybersec_assoc@byu.edu if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. We’d love to hear from you!