End-of-Semester CTF Winter 2023 Skip to main content

End-of-Semester CTF Winter 2023

** COMPETE AND REGISTER ONLINE AT cyberjousting.com **

(Registrations open April 3rd, 2023)

The BYU Cybersecurity Student Association (CSA) is hosting a digital Capture The Flag (CTF) competition for BYU students of all levels and all majors. CTF competitions are designed to help competitors learn and apply real-world cybersecurity skills, ranging from beginning to advanced challenges.

Who: Any BYU student. (Only current dues-paying members of CSA can win prizes.)

When: April 6th @ 6pm to April 8th @ 6pm, 2023. (Competitors do not need to compete for the entire 48 hours. Competitors can decide how much time to dedicate to solving challenges.)

Where: Anywhere! You can compete from home or on campus.

Why: Have fun, learn Cybersecurity skills, and compete for the chance to win a part of $400 in prizes!

Sign-up: Sign-ups start April 3rd, 2023, on the cyberjousting.com website. To access cyberjousting.com from campus wifi, please use a VPN (any vpn works, as long as it routes traffic out of the BYU network).

Events: We have two events for the End-of-Semester CTF!

Help session: On Tuesday, April 4th @ 7pm, our CTF team leaders will be sharing tips and tricks for being successful in the CTF that starts later that week. Come join us in CTB 365!

Award ceremony: On Saturday, April 8th @ 7pm, our CTF team leaders will present a recap of the CTF and hand out awards. Come see the review, some challenge walkthroughs, and see the awards! We can't wait to compete with you!

Questions? Email cybersec_assoc@byu.edu for more information.